the blogger sorry dog!
I have been a bit neglectful of this blog lately. But I promise to post a tonne of things on Thailand and my holidays and stuff soon! Here are my excuses!
1. I went on holiday to Hong Kong and China! I will do a couple of post on this soon! I promise! I got some great stuff and had a fabulous time!
2. I have been sick. AGAIN! I have a few vitamin issues that I am currently trying to correct. I need to stop eating so much sugar!
3. I AM GOING HOME! Mr A's work finally put through the all the paperwork and finally told us when we are leaving. We will be hitting Perth again on the 29th of January. So I have been super busy making plans and stuff. Mr As work is putting us up for 6 weeks till we get back on our feet but in that time we need to find a more permanent house, I need a job, a car, a new scooter, furniture and all sorts of stuff! Plus we need to pack up here!!! GRRRAARRRGGG! But I am sooo excited mostly because I get Gretchen, the greatest cat on eat, back from my friends Mel! Kitten hugs!
4. I am starting my own business! It's a little hush hush right now but it is going to be awesome! I am freaking out about it. But again, I have a tonne of stuff to do for it! I will keep you posted!
5. I have been trying to exercise. I have packed on an uncomfortable amount of weight in the last month and clothes are starting to not fit me. Scary times. So I have been trying to shift it by all means necessary. But my body is being hella stubborn BOO! Maybe I'm just retaining water?
So those are my excuses. Crap I know.
Also, I got a blog award from that fabulous Fashion Hayley. She's a Melbourne blogger with amazingly developed personal style and takes kick arse street fashion photos. I love her blog and always look forward to it being updated.

The rules:
1. The nominated is allowed to put the picture on their blogs.
2. Link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate seven other people and link to them.
4. Leave a message on those people's blog to make them aware that they're nominated.
This is my first blog award! Thanks for popping my award cherry Hayley! This is really hard on account of me not actually reading a lot of blogs but here it goes.
Julie in Japan
This blog is the reason I started mine. A super cute girl from Canada blogs about her life in Japan. It give me serious nostalgia. Her posts are always informative and witty and she has a strong opinion on lots of topics which I respect. I love reading her updates! If you are thinking about becoming an English teacher in Japan, this blog is a must read!
I'm not antisocial, just short sighted
The most happening mod girl around, the lovely Miss Karen posts her amazing outfits and fabulous make-up on almost a daily basis. What this little lady can do with a make-up brush astonishes me. He clothes are adorable and she is giving me some serious Genki envy at the moment (I love that store and she keeps buying awesome things from there). Plus we have she same pair of black Zola shoes! Shoe buddiez 4 life yo!
You miss your old familiar friends
Few blogs have me in fit of laughter more than this one. If you were a fan of the show "Full House" then you have to stop by for a chuckle (or in my case, side splitting laugh-fest). Milkman delivers a witty blow by blow review of episodes from various seasons. Her very rational dislike for the UgSnot (aka Michelle Tanner) has me in stitches. My sister thought she was Michelle Tanner when were were younger and started to behave like her. Ug. Seriously funny and seriously worth a read!
What Claudia Wore
I was a MASSIVE baby sitters club fan when I was younger. I dreamed of being Claudia. So stylish, so out there, so dibble! So when I stumbled upon Kim's blog, What Claudia wore, needless to say I way hooked! She goes back through the books and dishes out some classic Claud outfits. It's hilarious. She's also a massive Gossip Girl addict, like myself, which only serves to increase her awesomeness. I *heart* this blog.
music, design, faith
This is my friend Tree's blog. She a precocious young musician/designer/all round talented lady of loveliness. Keep your ears out for her lovely voice most likely hitting the radio near you! She has been playing tonnes of gigs lately the busy little bee! She a super bright future ahead of her. Her blog is her musings about the world and what life means to her. Beautiful and well thought out. Love you Tree!
Well I'm going to break the rules and only do 5. Thanks again for the award Hayley! You're the best!
Wow your coming back to Australia. Exciting. Will you miss Thailand though? Or have you had enough?
I will miss it but I have also had enough if you know what I mean? I kinda put my life on hold to come here so it will be nice to step back into the real world I think!
Plus I am dying to see all my friends again!
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