Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Going Honkey Nuts!

Mr A and I had this trip booked for a ages for over the Kings Birthday weekend. Macau, Hong Kong, Xi-an and Beijing. But thanks to the lovely people of PAD ( I am still angry at you for keeping Facehunter out of Bangkok by the way) we thought we would have to change our plans. Thankfully the airport opened 2 days before our trip and the lovely staff at Thai airways changed our flights for us free of charge! We couldn't go to Macau anymore and so we went straight to Hong Kong instead.

To be honest I have never really wanted to go to Hong Kong. I was never on my list but I can tell you right now I'm so glad I went! Hong Kong is AMAZING!

We had 2 nights in the most amazing hotel in a club suite and lounge. I loooooovvveee hotel breakfasts and this one had the best! So delicious! Here is the crazy chrismassyness on the outside of our hotel!
and inside!
So anyway, the first night we met up with Nick and Kim who had been in Macau, gambling their lives away. We went and saw a crazy light show across the way in Hong Kong proper (we were on Kowloon). It was pretty cool! That sky line....wow!!!
Afterwards we went out to dinner at this super cheap Hong Kong noodle shop. We walked in and the waiter yells at us "How many people?? Four people?!! FOUR PEOPLE!!!". He promptly kicked two guys out who had almost finish and plonked us down while yelling "FOUR PEOPLE!!!!" at everyone else in the shop. They were some tasty, tasty noodles though! Oh it was also Nick's birthday! Hooray! Birthday noodles!!

Afterwards we went in search of beer and shopping. Hong Kong is amazing for shopping, but a little expensive! Compared to Bangkok anyway. I didn't actually end up buying anything that night aside from a delicious baked sweet potato. After wandering around Kowloon for hours (much of which was spent trying to find birthday cake for Nick - fail!), drinking some beers and seeing a hilarious man slap fight (they were yelling at eat other but slapping themselves in the face) we decided to head home as my feet were about to fall off from coldness. Kim and Nick bunked down in our room for the night.

Kim and Nick left very early the next morning to head back to Macau. We decided to catch the ferry across to Hong Kong and do a spot of shopping and touristy stuff. I was quite lovely on the ferry.

We walk straight off the the ferry and up the road a little and what do I find..

*holy grail type music* ahhh ahhhh ahhhh ahhhh ahhhhhhhhhh. H & M!!!!!!
We don't have any in Australia so I was sooooo excited! I was like a kid in a very stylish candy store. Here's what I got:

Super cute button scarf, army style hat thingy AND seamed stockings pale enough for my legs! Sadly, I had to leave behind the most beautiful pair of patent mauve brogues because there were none left in my size! BOOO!!!

After that we decided to go up the hill for a gander over Hong Kong. We catch a cute little tram up and look who I saw waiting in line.

I squish you Jackie Chan! There is a Madame Tussards on the lookout ,though I wouldn't recommend going unless you are a big fan of Asian movie and pop stars.

We had some more lovely photos from the peak, including our ridiculous but delicious lunch at Bubba Gump (best key lime pie ever) but Mr A managed to delete them.

We went back to hotel after that for a rest and some afternoon tea and then headed out for some afternoon tea and a nap before shopping and sight seeing again! Oh Hong Kong, I love you.

Lion dog!!!

Here's my little haul:

All from Granville road, the best shopping street ever!!!

The next morning we were leaving for Xi-an so we took some time to walk around the parks and the foreshore. Lovely!

That's all for my little Hong Kong jaunt. Stay tuned for Xi-an and the terracotta warriors!!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

your holiday outfits are way good!