I am not dead! Huzzah!
My apologies for leaving this blog by the wayside. I have been very busy/ quite unmotivated since returning from Thailand. Here's what I've been up to:
- Mr A & I now own a house. A lovely, lovely white weatherboard house built in 1926. I'm completely in love with it.
- Although I am in love, said house is in a state of disrepair. It got attacked by the 60's and a terrible DIY-er. I have been renovating like mad! We have removed asbestos, replaced walls, smashed disgusting kitchen cabninet (that had a mouse poo mountain behind them) and intalled beautiful, clean, storybook, milky white ones. I also have a brand new Smeg oven! 90cm! So wonderful.
- I have been burlesquing like a crazy (sexy) lady. I can now dance on point, spin 4 hula hoops and throw fans every which way. I have an awesome gig in Broome soon with the amazing bendy beauty Kimtortion. To say I am pretty excited would be an understatement. I also have a show this weekend, Puttin' on the Glitz. I'm doing a fan throw and a wacky flapper charleston. The next show after that will be even more exciting, as we will have a super special guest.
- I have my kitten back! She is so cute, I get distracted playing with her and just staring at her adorableness. Although I think she is going through her rebellious teenage phase. She has been a little destructive and moody lately. Or it might be because she's on a diet (she got a little fat while I was away).
- I'm usually knee deep in cupcakes. I am developing my cupcake business very very slowly but surely. I currently operate out of home which is a titch bit illegal but I'm only selling for the Retro Markets at the moment and the odd wedding or two. But I hope by the end of the year to be a little more legal.
So yes, that is what I have been up to, among other things. I am hoping to start blogging more regularly again. I have a little challenge set for myself and I think blogging about it will help me stick to it.
Chat to you again soon darlinks.
5 days ago